Who we are

Who we are

The Collective of Youth Organizations for Solidarity in the Democratic Republic of Congo known as COJESKI-DRC is a National Platform bringing together various youth initiatives at National, Provincial, Territorial, Chiefdom and Village level in DRCongo. It also brings together other initiatives as partners at different levels both inside the country and outside the country. Youth initiatives in their diversity are the active members.

COJESKI was initiated by students in Bukavu South Kivu in 1993 as a pressure group, in 1995 it became a South Kivu Provincial Forum of Youth Initiatives and later on it became a National Youth in 1998.

COJESKI is organized in Coordination from bottom to up;

The first is Chiefdom level: The chiefdom brings together associations and other initiatives from various villages, they elect their committee which is called  “focal point“, and here also the candidates are representatives of youth initiatives, then the chiefdom committees elect “the Territorial Committee” which are also called Territorial  Focal Point, then the Territorial Committees together with urban Committees in the main cities elect the Provincial Committee which is called Provincial Coordination, and the Provincial Co-ordinations elect the National Committee which is called National Coordination.

COJESKI National Office is in Kinshasa the Capital City of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Provincial Representations called Coordinations in the former 11 provinces of DRC mainly: South Kivu, Maniema, North Kivu, Katanga, Kasai Oriental, Kasai Occidental, Province Orientale, Equateur, Matadi, Bas-Congo et Kinshasa. COJESKI is decentralized and each committee at each level has decisions on issues in the areas under its control in total independence.


Apart it traditional constitutional roles, the cOJESKI North Kivu leads the whole Thematic of Forced Migrants, Disaster and Humanitarian Response at National Level and works together with other co-ordinations. .


To see human dignity respected in its dimensions, to enjoy Democracy, durable peace for the development of the Democratic Republic of Congo,


To promote and defend  human dignity, as well as Good Governance, Democracy and the consolidation of peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo through active participation of highly empowered young people.

COJESKI DRC has the following main thematic orientation

What we do

Human Rights: Human Rights awareness, documentation of human rights violations, legal assistance, Policy Analysis, research,
Peace and Conflict Resolution: Peace education, dialogue, negotiation, non-violence, mediation,
Democracy: Civic education, leadership, participation, freedom of speech, access to information,
Good Governance: Transparency, Access to Justice, and Accountability,
Sustainable Development: Income Generating Activities, Infrastructure, Economy, Culture, Health and Education,
Humanitarian Actions: Emergency, Prevention of Natural Risks, Relief Aid, Settlement, Internally Displaced Persons, and Refugees,
Climate Change: Clean Environment, Planting of trees,  and the protection of bio-diversity,

All these are done through research, advocacy and lobbying.

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