We strongly protest against the directive of the New Minister of Justice in DRC criminalizing Homosexuals
We strongly object the war against Homosexuals which has been launched by the new Minister of Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Here is the directive to the Courts of Law
Two days after entering the office, the new Minister of Justice in DRC, his Excellency Constant Mutamba surprised the public by announcing on Saturday June 15th, 2024 in a directive to the Courts of Law to open cases against homosexuals and the whole LGBTIQ community and all those who defend their rights in DRcongo, the Minister claims responding to public demand to criminalize homosexuals.
The justification makes the directive and mere political tool in order to satisfy the appetite of his electorates, however our courts of justice are not political tools to be used by politicians to satisfy to populism. It also may not be accurate to fully claim and brandish public demand in just two days when the Minister entered into his office.
This new war against LGBTIQ community at this particular time when the country is affected by rebel groups in eastern parts may divide more the population and weaken efforts to finish the war. It is therefore an opportunity for us to remind the Minister that Homosexuals can also become better commanders of the the army, in the police and in intelligence services in order to serve the country rather than presenting them as threats.
It is for us a surprise that our Minister has identified Homosexuals as his first threat to deal with, as the first danger for the country yet other serious problems of corruption, embezzlement of public funds, massacre against innocent people, aggression of the country are there and which people believe should be the priorities.
Instead of making the necessary reforms which are needed in the justice sector the Minister seems to sink it again deep in despair at the expenses of political calculations. It is our hope that the judicial system will not implement such a directive.
Bearing in mind that the move of the new Minister of Justice is to divert our attention from the current urgent problems facing the country we therefore reject this directive and make ourselves ready to advocate for a legal system which protects everyone in the society.
We therefore call upon all those who believe in Democracy, in Good Governance and human rights to stand up and discourage this war against LGBTIQ community in DRC,
At this stage the following actions are needed:
Public education programmes and information sessions on LGBTIQ in DRC,
Networking at all levels in order to ensure the observance of human rights at all levels in DRC,
Mobilizing funding for various advocacy programs targeting all those in legal sector, security services mainly the Police and the Intelligence Services,
Engaging the Minister of Justice to withdraw his directive and commit himself towards the respect of human rights in DRC,