Urgent need of 10,000$ in two weeks to save the lives of Rwandan Refugees in DRCongo

Urgent call for actions for 10,000$ to save the lives of more than 3million Rwandan Refugees at risk high risks in the Democratic Republic of Congo caused by Luanda agreement between Rwanda and DRC

After the Meeting between Rwandan Refugees, DRC Intelligence Services, Local Authorities and Actors of the Civil Society which we organized at our offices in 2022.

Here is how you can donate: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/sponsor10-refugees-in-drc-to-attend-this-un-summit/

The Luanda (Angola) cease-fire agreement signed in July 30th, 2024 between DRC and Rwanda allows the deployment of Rwanda Intelligence Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which highly exposes the lives of more than 3million Rwandan refugees living in DRC. Please find more in our website the positions of various Civil Society Organizations in DRC rejecting the so called peace agreement (www.cojeskinordkivu.org )

Like in the past, when Rwanda Intelligence Services are allowed in DRC we have observed various crimes against Rwandan Refugees such as assassinations, secret deportations, forced disappearances, forced repatriations, killings and organized massacres, military attacks in refugee areas and poising of others targeting generally Rwandan Refugees and host communities who live with them.

This has happened before since 1998 up to 2020 during various Rwandan operations when there is a deal between the two countries. However in 2021 and 2022, we launched various campaigns and such deals were cancelled and all Rwandan Security Intelligence people were forced to leave DRC, in the process even those who infiltrated refugee communities also left secretly and others were arrested by the Government.

Now, since this happened in 2022 when we won the battle, we all went into slumber and thought it was over, please wake up, it is back again and we need to act urgently from now. Donate, spread the news in various Social Media, in various forums, engage those you may be able to engage, write letter of appeals, call for press conference, talk to refugees in DRC, amplify what they are doing, become a volunteer, become their Ambassador among other.

Our objective is to put a lot of pressure on DRCongo Government not to allow Rwandan Intelligence Services on DRC territory. This is possible we can make and save the lives of refugees.

Campaigns will include: Media Engagements, Conferences, Community Information Sessions, and Community Meetings, Public Demonstrations, Dialogues with local leaders and Government Officials at all levels.

One result:

DRC should drop out the entry of Rwandan Intelligence Services on Congolese soil. And we have hope that a three months we shall be able to observe the change.

Here is how you can donate: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/sponsor10-refugees-in-drc-to-attend-this-un-summit/

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