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Former Volunteers
For the last three years since 2021 here are some people who have worked with us as volunteers and interns, others were not yet recorded in this way. We wish them all the best in their new venture.
I am Mrs Miansiantima Seolo Nancy, I am of Congolese by nationality, born in 1984, I am a lawyer by career specialized in rights matters, I am also a human rights Advocate specialized in the promotion of the rights of forced migrants, I resides in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
I am the focal point of COJESKI/RDC Coordination of North Kivu in Kinshasa since January 2022 and I work on the specific issues of forced migrants in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I work on the protection of refugees in particular through research and analysis on the Institutions, Policies, practices and actors involved in the management of refugees in the DRC, in order to propose necessary reforms so that the country can respond positively to its international obligations. I also work on the visibility of refugees at the local, national and international level with the aim of amplifying their problems for adequate solutions, and finally I conduct advocacy with national authorities on the situation of refugees in the DRC.
I am proud to be in this organization which gives me the opportunity to also make my part of contribution with the aim of definitively resolving the refugee problem in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I am committed to the fight for the effective protection of every refugee in the DRC.
Bio data of Martine
I’m Musimwa Chikala Martine born in Goma, DRC in 2000 and I have completed my college studies. I decided to join COJESKI as a volunteer in-charge of mobilization and communication and public relations. Before that I have worked as field coordinator in some organizations, but also I worked in private companies. I’m available here for the whole week and I’m so proud to be part of this organization which gives me space to pursue my dreams, I really feel happy when I see people benefiting from our work, actually the women refugee project attracted me most to join this organization.
I also have some basic in computer and social entrepreneurship among others which I hope to share with other young people through this organization.
Bio Date of Mulomba Bitsibu Julien
I’m a Congolese National born in 1995, I finished my studies in Political Sciences and Administration in 2018 at CEPROMAD Goma- DRC. I’m a para-legal at COJESKI/DRC Coordination of North, before that I was a human rights defender at Centre International pour la Formation des Droits Humains et le Developpement (CIFDH). I work mostly of issues of people who are detained and arrested and I do advocate for their rights, and I do offer them all the necessary interventions.
I have benefited from some trainings in human rights and case management here in Goma. I’m passionate about justice and defending the rights of those arbitrary arrested and detained, those who are vulnerable and voiceless and other marginalized people.
While an associated to COJESKI, and offer legal advice once a week to people at COJESKI because of the partnership with NDSCI through a memorandum of understanding, I’m more permanent at the NDSC (The New Dynamic of the Civil Society in DRC),
BioData Buhendwa Andema Esther
I’m Buhendwa Andema Esther a Congolese national born in 1998, I finished my secondary school in 2019. I joined COJESKI North Kivu in June 2023 as Volunteer in-charge of the Administration and refugee women projects. Before this I was a teacher in a Primary School around Goma and later on owned a Tailoring Center.I also was trained in Tailoring and I’m a trainer in Tailoring which I like so much to do. I was much motivated by the Tailoring Project which COJESKI is implementing, here I work the whole week from Monday up to Saturday and for the whole day. And lastly I’m also a business women involved in all beauty things for women.I really like to serve people and I’m so happy with what I’m doing here.
Bio Data of Charles Ntanyungura Habimana
I’m a refugee community leader from Rwanda, I came to DRC in 1994 during the Genocide, I did not have that opportunity to go to school because most of Rwanda refugees did not have that chance.
However I was involved in various businesses here in DRC and various community work such as mobiliser, interpreter and contact person for various humanitarian organizations. I was trained in different things by some organizations such as Save the children, International Committee of the Red Cross, World Vision among others.
Currently I’m the refugee focal person for COJESKI North Kivu and with this task I do all my best to help my community. I like this work and I’m so happy when people get support through me.
Bio Data of Francois- Claude Mande
I’m Francois –Claude Mande Kalombo a Congolese National born in Kananga in 1966, I’m a lawyer by profession at the High Court of North Kivu- DRC. I hold in Master Degree in Private and legal law since 1998 from the University of the Great Lakes Region in Goma known as (ULPGL), I also did a training in Human Rights in 2002.
Before I joined COJESKI North Kivu, I was a human rights defender at the International Center for Human Rights Training and Development where I played a big role. I do assist refugees and other vulnerable people in various legal issues and our department offers pro-bono services to those in need. I’m here as part of NDSCI partnership with COJESKI North Kivu which has this component of legal representation.
I’m so happy that my structure the New Dynamic of the Civil Society in North Kivu known as NDSCI entered in partnership with COJESKI North in order to offer services to marginalized people including refugees.
Bio data of Kambere Kamundu Deo
I’m a Congolese Citizen born in 1968 in Lubero North Kivu, I served in the army when I was still young and then I retired and now doing my own things.
I’m one among the long serving people who have worked for this organization over the years, I do the general cleaning and any other work that is extended to me, I also keep the organization’s property when they is need.
Because of the current situation there is no money, I’m working as a volunteer, and come to work twice per week to do the cleaning. I’m so happy to be associated to this organization and feel proud for the work I have done.