Our reactions to the measures taken by the DRCongo President to lighten the State of Siege in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces

Reaction of satisfaction following the measures taken by the Head of State in relation to the State of Siege in North Kivu and Ituri,

We, the Collective of Youth Solidarity Organizations of Congo-Kinshasa (COJESKI/RDC, Coordination of North Kivu) and the New Dynamics of Civil Society (NDSCI Coordination of North Kivu) attentively followed the speech of the Head of State His Excellency Antoine Felix Tshisekedi Chilombo on the State of Siege in North Kivu and Ituri delivered on the National Channel of RTNC this morning on October 13, 2023.

Always embodying our convictions that this exceptional measure remains appropriate for the restoration of peace in the two provinces, we were inspired by the measures taken by the President of the Republic and we thank him for it.

Referring to the achievements of the State of Siege and the need to create a favorable environment to resolve the root causes of conflicts in the East of the DRC, we promise frank collaboration with the future Facilitators of the Institutions concerned and ask for support of all social actors with a view to organizing credible and peaceful elections in the two provinces.

We remain mobilized to support efforts aimed at restoring peace and the authority of the State as well as the rational management of conflicts in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Done in Goma, this 10/13/2023

Kulihoshi Musikami Pecos                                  Bahigana Mirhonyi Germain


Programs Officer Provincial                           President/North Kivu

COJESKI-North Kivu                                           NDSCI, North Kivu

Tel: +243853191163                                         Tel: +243975587918

Email: cojeskinrodkivu@gmail.com                 Email: germainmirhonyi@gmail.com


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