Our first meeting to collect necessary information on Stigma around abortion in Goma RDCongo
Report on the meeting for the implementation of the project “reduce abortion stigma in Goma” North Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Coordinator Presenting to the participants about the project during the meeting,
With a small Seed Support Grant from Abortion Conversation Projects, under the theme “Reduce Abortion Stigma”, we held our first meeting in Goma in order to implement this project. The meeting started at 11h30 on Saturday January 13th, 2024 and ended at 1h30 pm.
The meeting chaired by Kulihoshi M Pecos the North Kivu Coordinator brought together the five members of our Provincial Coordination, our President of the Board of Director and the President of the New Dynamic of Civil Society in North Kivu. The purpose of this project is first of all to gather information on abortion in Goma.
Agenda for the meeting
The situation of abortion in Goma, North Kivu in DRCongo,
The activities we shall implement,
The challenges ahead of us,
The Time-line for this activity.
Minute One:

Members interacting with the Coordinator on issues of the abortion in Goma during the meeting.
The meeting started by opening remarks from the Coordinator whereby he present the motive of this project which aims at saving the lives of women who are victims of various forms of unsafe abortion. The fact is that women in Goma are involved in abortion practices and in most cases these practices are unsafe therefore exposing them to severe risks including the loss of their lives. Our first task is to gather information about this reality and then other activities may follow in case we have the necessary funds. We really thank our donor ACP for considering to fund our ideas in order to help improve the situation.
Minute Two:
The participants exchanged ideas on problems around unsafe abortion in Goma, cases of women and young girls being arrested, exposed to mob-justice while attempting abortion, those who have thrown their babies in the pit-latrine and in the durst-bean were mentioned. The circumstances that may favor also abortion were exchanged especially the issue of millions of people living in IDP Camps where women and young girls are exposed to all forms of sexual abuses but also practices of sex for survival. Members unanimously observed the need to address this problem and greatly welcomed this project which is the cornerstone in the struggle to reduce abortion stigma.
The following activities were therefore suggested as to be implemented right away from Monday January 15th 2024.

Participants during the meeting
Two member organizations working on health issues were identified and will be called on Monday in order to join the team that will start gathering information.
A questionnaire will be made on Monday which will help our team to collect the necessary information from young people, medical personnel, the Police, the Intelligence Services, the Press and Media, the Court of Law, cultural leaders, and religious leaders and in IDP Camps. We shall also conduct Focus groups among young people in Two Universities, and One in IDP Camp around Goma and at least one Press Conference. Various posts will be circulated in social media especially WhatsApp Groups in order to collect information and if possible look at the laws. The time table for each activity will be made available by the Coordination and ensure that the work is done.
Minute Three:
The main challenge remains the limitation of funds in order to collect all the necessary information we may need and to involve in experts that may produce us a great work. We also some fear among those who have performed abortion on ground that they may be exposed to risks and stigma.
Minute Four:
The participants expressed also the necessity to engage on issues around Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, and HIV/AIDs among young people.