More than 5000 civilians massacred in Goma DRCongo by M23/RDF and the world is silent
So far more than 5,000 people were massacred in Goma the Democratic Republic of Congo from Saturday 25th, to Thursday 30th January 2025 during the attacks of M23 backed by Rwanda targeting civilians.
The United Nations has indicated more than 3,000 people killed but according to information from the the communities in various IDP Camps many people were killed and their dead bodies are still all over and all these are unfortunately not known by the United Nations.
Last week all these people were alive and had various plans in Goma but they found themselves massacred by President Paul Kagame. But how many people Paul Kagame kill in this region?
Massive burial of hundreds of dead bodies in Goma yesterday and today February 5th, 2025 by a team from Red Cross, all these people killed just for Paul Kagame to control Goma, 70% of them are vulnerable civilians
We cannot base the number of the people massacred by M23 on the information from health facilities because many people did not get that chance to reach the health facility, they were buried immediately.
We should at least deploy all efforts to count each person who was killed, who was forced to leave this earth because of being in Goma because of being a Hutu. We encourage the United Nations to collect more information so that they can edit their statistics of 700 people killed in Goma as published on Friday January 31st, 2025. Collecting information of each person who was killed is not difficult because the massacre took place in Goma and all parts are easily to reach.
These images yes are not the best for some people but also kindly stand in solidarity with us, these are the images we are seeing on our streets live, this is what is on our roads, we are living alongside with these dead people, some are getting rotten on the roadside and still we have to look at them in a state of helplessness. Shying away from this ugly reality is also a moral issue which may affect our conscience more as being indifferent of not being concerned of not wanting to say no this, and that alone may affect us psychologically. We saw again these kind of reality of thousands of dead people on our streets in Goma in 1994 during the genocide in Rwanda and now it repeats itself in 2025.
For some armed people, in order to show their supremacy, in order to gain power and control Goma, in order to show how animals they are, it was necessary to massacre more than 2,000 people.
The Government of Rwanda planned this massacre of innocent people, and in the process it created excuses on how best to kill people, those who support the Government of Rwanda knew that such massacre will happen and still they planned that such number of people should be killed and other actors knew massacre will happen but not much efforts were deployed in order to prevent it. The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo failed to protect its citizens and other people such as refugees in Goma yet it knew that they will be massacred.
Before the Government of Rwanda claimed that Goma has FDLR who are a threat to Rwanda and justified the war as a preventive measure, today after the massacre Rwanda is not talking anymore about the FDLR, the United Nations, the European Union, the African Union and other Diplomatic Missions in Kinshasa who argued about FDLR are all quiet now, and only the United Nations has indicated that 700 civilians were massacred in Goma, yet they are not FDLR why should they be forced to leave this earth? And where are the FDLR now?
Those who supported Rwanda in this madness, what did they gain by killing all these people, what did these people prevent them from getting so that they can be killed in order to access it, how killing all these civilians have helped those who support Rwanda to sing the anthem of FDLR being an asset in order to achieve what they wanted? Is it necessary to massacre people in order to control Goma? Are the civilians a threats really?
The massacre of civilians in Goma by the M23 backed by Rwanda in just five days
As the war started many people who were in Internally Displaced Camps moved and entered Goma City but they had now where to stay, most of them just lived on streets of Goma, as M23 came in they deliberately opened guns to many among these people on the streets for no reasons just because they are IDPs on streets, most of those massacred were in places which were easily captured by M23 and there was no government forces to oppose them in those parts of Goma in order to justify the killings. Targeting civilians portrays the same reality of the genocide in Rwanda between Hutus and Tutsis which Paul Kagame still drives, M23 which entirely Tutsi decided to massacre civilians in Goma who are generally Hutus. As per now 65% of people massacred are Internally Displaced Persons in different camps around Goma.
Apart from those who died on streets, others were killed while in their houses with bombs and bullets and again it is not normal that people were killed in their homes by M23 with guns in areas which did not have government forces to resist them. The design of the war was in itself to massacre the civilians.
It may be difficult as per now to establish the exact number of people who have died because some have already been buried by their relatives at home, other dead bodies are still being collected and others just buried where they were found. The United Nations may have based its press statement of at least 700 people killed on the number of those who reached health centers and those who were in contact with some organizations such the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders.
Surprisingly no one is talking about accountability now, it seems normal that Rwandan President Paul Kagame can kill as many people as we wants and no one will say anything, as long as he serve the interests of those who are behind him.