Meeting with Filimbi Pressure Group to discuss on issues about public demonstrations in Goma DRCongo

Meeting of yesterday with Mwisa Christophe a member of FILIMBI Pressure Group in Goma DRCongo focus on how to improve demonstrations in Goma.

This part of our interactive meeting with Actors of the Civil Society in Goma, this is part of activities we want to promote in order to see nonviolent demonstrations

Yesterday Wednesday September 4th, 2024 christophe from Filimbi Pressure Group held a meeting with the Coordinator Kulihoshi M Pecos in order to reflect of the demonstrations in Goma.

The two hours meetings observed that there are so many issues which will lead people to demonstrations and the lack of interactions between people and their leaders at all levels, the failure of the leaders to account and the incapacity of the leaders to respond to the needs and demands of people.

We also observed that the right of free expression of people is fundamental right which people should enjoy in Goma. However we noticed for the last five years, the various demonstrations have been violent which have claimed the lives of many people and others being detained up to now.

We therefore analyzed the context, the political environment, the actors and interested parties, we also looked at the population and the actors of the civil society who call for demonstrations. This helped us yesterday to draw some points which we should focus on and the need to organize trainings to various actors of the Civil Society and especially Pro-Democracy Pressure Groups based in Goma on how to plan demonstrations.

On one side there is a need to organize trainings to members of the Civil Society in their diversity about nonviolent actions and also advocacy on the other side we need to put in place activities which bring the leaders and the people together and lastly activities which aim at civic education focusing on people.


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