Invitation: exchange on claims about the treats posed by FDLR to Rwanda and Congolese people
Invitation: come and let us talk about FDLR in DRCongo(here is the original Invitation in French: INVITATION DIALOGUE SUR FDLR EN RDC ONLINE
It is for us a pleasure to invite you for the very first popular debate around the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, known as FDLR, which are for some people believed to based in the Democratic Republic of Congo and who some are accused of genocide in Rwanda, and for others who believe that the FDLR do not exist anymore in DRCongo, however it is a pretext to maintain war in DRCongo, and what about those who are perceived as FDLR, what do they say?
Come on Wednesday April 24th, 2024 starting at 9am, at our offices in Goma, under the theme: The FDLR a Myth or a reality, what are the solutions.
The purpose of this event is not to evaluate what has been done which we know some actors may not be comfortable with but to share information and provide actors with accurate information in order to make informed decisions.
This is part of contributions towards peace in Eastern DRCongo and in the Great Lakes Region, each one has a role to play, this time it will be various actors in DRCongo trying to fully understand this situation and offering alternative to solve this.
Let us explore this argument which has been advanced by Rwanda, and many actors from the International Community. With the negotiations in Angola between DRC and Rwanda, with various statements from actors mainly the European Union, the United States of America, France, the United Kingdom, the African Union claiming about the danger and threats posed by FDLR to Rwanda we now wish to fully understand these claims, only the truth can help us to bring us true peace.
These discussions are a result of our field work in Goma where we contacted various stakeholders on this particular issue including Congolese Authorities, the United Nations Mission in DRCongo, the CIRGL, SADEC, UN Agencies and various actors of the Civil Society.