Interview of Kulihoshi Musikami Pecos with the Media in North Kivu the Democratic Republic of Congo

Briefing about Kulihoshi Musikami Pecos, with the media on the security situation in North Kivu the Democratic Republic of Congo.

On Thursday July 4th, 2024, the Coordinator of COJESKI North Kivu, Mr Kulihoshi Musikami Pecos held a 10 minutes interview with Journalist from Bora FM Radio based in Goma on the current situation.

Journalist: The first question was on the issue of the United Nations Group of Experts Report indicating the involvement of Uganda in the current war in eastern DRCongo by supporting M23. Will it be a mere denunciation?


At least now, together with the United Nations after such a long period we can now speak the same language, we all now agree that DRC is a victim of aggression, we are now all on the same page that both Uganda and Rwanda are involved, this advocacy has taken us five years now and heavy risks on our lives, the second step is also to the push for accountability for all those involved in this barbaric war. Some actions need to be again done to push various actors to act in one way of other. As per now, I believe about sanctions, it may be first of all the Congolese people to take a lead, to change our way of life and show the world that we are invaded by other nations, that mode of life may require us to take certain actions towards Uganda and Rwanda so that we may clearly distance from what these two countries are doing against us, and the United Nations may only amplify what we are doing. As per now we are so much concerned about our approach towards Rwanda and Uganda, our political relationship with these countries does not show that there is a problem between us and them, our government is not showing that DRC is invaded by Rwanda and Uganda, the situation remains the same before the war and during the war, on a diplomatic level Embassies are functioning normally in all these countries, borders are working as usual, business exchange is the same and all social activities among all these countries are the same.

Journalist: Uganda rejected this UN Report and called it a nonsense

We may not expect a lot from Uganda, however as you know, I was in Uganda and in 2020 I was forced to leave because I documented the recruitment of Congolese refugees into M23, those who are fighting some among them were refugees in Uganda, and just may be one question Uganda should tell us, where are the M23 rebels who were in different refugee camps. President Museveni believes in neogociations between M23 and the Government of Kinshasa and as we observed recently the deal in Zanzibar with East Africa Community where Uganda is present and for that Uganda believes in that way it can influence, Museveni wants to play a role on behalf of the M23.

Journalist: what is the fate of the Road Projects with DRC?


Our relation with Uganda should change and we need a new approach with Uganda not as a friend but as enemy, Uganda cannot do both at ago support M23 and make deals with the Government through road projects, these projects with Uganda should end, our priority as per now are not road projects but security and stability to which Uganda is not contributing. It is not only roads but also electricity and Uganda wants to use these projects in order to influence DRC to negotiate with M23. Uganda must make a clear choice and it appears that Uganda choose to aggress DRC.

Journalist: But there are also military operations with Uganda in Beni, will this also survive

Pecos: We have asked over and over again the end of these operations between Uganda and DRC, we are extremely concerned by the externalization of the security of DRC, it is not Uganda to offer us security, the security of DRC is the responsibility of each Congolese and the people should be encouraged to be responsible towards their security. Uganda has to explore internal mechanisms in order to solve the ADF issue, may be through dialogue and negotiations the same way Uganda is calling upon DRC to do. Our major challenge in DRC is leadership which does not have a clear vision, a clear focus on how best to solve internal problems. DRC needs a leader who believes in himself and in the people he/she leads, a leader who has solutions to the problems, so these military operations should also stop, actually since they started people in Beni have paid a heavy price than ever.

The Democratic Republic of Congo should be able to influence these countries diplomatically to convince Uganda and Rwanda to negotiate with their oppositions both armed and not armed.

The security of this country lies in the strong leadership that can ensure that each part of the land is secure and that both Uganda and Rwanda may not come when they want. And this does not depend on dialogue.

Interview with a Journalist from Beroya FM based in Goma on Monday July 15th, 2024

Mr. Kulihoshi Musikami Pecos, the Coordinator of COJESKI and at the same time the Programme and Advocacy Officer of the New Dynamic of the Civil Society in North Kivu, had an interview with a journalist from Beroya Media on our recent press release about insecurity in North Kivu.

Journalist: How do you see the situation in North Kivu and why are you concerned?

Pecos: The situation is worse, the M23 rebels backed by Rwanda and Uganda are now in four (4) territories out of 7 which compose North Kivu Province and they seem to take control of different parts easily without a strong resistance from the Army. Only local resistant called Wazalendo are fighting against them, but also let me make this clear, we are all Wazalendo only that some among are not armed, a Muzalendo (Patriot) is anyone who is doing all that is possible for his/her country so everyone is a Muzalendo in his/her way. We are concerned by the current humanitarian crisis in North Kivu, the massacre of innocent people, the assassination of people in both in areas that are controlled by the government and also by the M23, extortion of people’s properties and the killing of key social stakeholders’ members of the Civil Society.

Journalist: The Government put in place the current military regime in North Kivu, how effective it is?

Pecos: As we heard the objective of the military regime was to ensure security in North Kivu, but this did not happen on contrary M23 are progressing and taking others places, this military regime failed and it should be replaced by the state of war, the only option is war not against Uganda and Rwanda but to take over all the territories that are occupied now. Those calling for negations unfortunately have never told us what should be negotiated between DRC and M23, Rwanda and Uganda.

Journalist: What should DRC in order to bring peace

Pecos: We have said it several time, that we need a clear defense policy which clear approaches and objectives, today we are not so much clear on what we want to do, there is an urgent need to transfer all army officers who have been here for long, and then ensure that the Army and Wazalendo are well facilitated. We must win this war if we should exist as a nation, we must ensure the security of each meter of our borders with Rwanda and Uganda and we must put in place measures of lasting solutions.


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