DRCongo leadership should be held accountable for their failure to secure people and the country

All actors at community, provincial, national, regional and international levels should help the Democratic Republic of Congo to solve once forever the security problems in the East parts of the country: Lasting solutions do exist and should be promoted focusing on the root causes and attention should be focusing on holding all leaders accountable.

Wondering what do these UN Officials say during their meetings with President Felix Tshisekedi

This is for us a call for actions which should be considered at this particular moment in order to advance the debate for lasting solutions. We believe even by making these views public some of our actors will be tracked by security services. Over the years we have clearly indicated that questions related to refugees should not be the causes of the war because there are already existing international solutions which can benefit to both Congolese refugees in Rwanda and at the same time Rwandan refugees in the Democratic Republic of Congo who are currently called “FDLR”.

As the argument of FDLR seems to fade away because we all knew it was a pretext, now let us focus on other things which need attention, mainly Tutsi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

We need first of all to stop the war and discourage all those who believe that the only way to express themselves is through the war and violence, and especially that reaching lasting solutions people must be free to decide, people must have access to accurate information and people should be educated enough. A real debate on various issues should only exist when people are totally free and this should be the message to extend to all those who are fighting and all those supporting the wars. We have heard various actors arguing that there is no military solution to this war in DRCongo yet the war is continuing and those involved are not yet held accountable.

We all know that there are fundamental questions about the identity of Tutsi in the Democratic Republic of Congo, these questions need democratic debate in order to be addressed, and we need a favorable environment in which we can fully agree on what we do in order to solve. Progress have been made on these questions much as more is still needed, giving Tutsi the appointment responsibilities in the affairs of the country may solve the need of some people but not the aspiration the entire community especially that some believe that in order to play effective political roles in the country they should have their own entities like any other tribe or ethnic group in DRC, denying Tutsi the opportunity to organize themselves is not also the best way to promote peace and stability. We are aware that each one single Cm in DRC is owned by someone but still we can debate on how to share what is available.

This is one among the areas we need clear debate inside the country, on how the Tutsi can live in their own villages, chieftaincy and organize themselves in their own places, have their own members of the parliament and then secure some few posts in the Government. This is one among issues being advocated for by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda in which he claims are the root causes and this is real but also saying it as we are doing now, it is a risk in itself and we are taking that risk.

We strongly reject the strategy of President Paul Kagame to impose on us this debate by force through the war and yet in this way the option of the war in order to promote this discussion will not take us very far, it is on contrary making the situation worse and creating more sentiment of hate among people. Imagine, how do we bring this to people in Goma now after being massacred for things they do not know. How long will it take us in order to heal the wounds of people and then start engaging on sensitive issues?

The current DRC leadership should be held accountable of what is happening and all those in the war should account including Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya who instead of helping the country to progress on lasting solutions they are pushing for their economic gain. The Democratic Republic of Congo leadership that was elected in order to ensure that its people live in security has totally failed to come up with solutions to the problem rather blaming the international community and still the United Nations have not yet been clear enough to ask DRC to take up her responsibility.

Different actors in the country have turned towards the international community instead of asking for accountability to the DRC leadership, efforts should be focused on this way and those who believe in this should be supported. Over the years we have been confronted with the issues around refugees however efforts were not deployed to find out lasting solutions, the issue of the national security including the army and other security agencies may need serious debate but again we must first of all end the war. It may be a mistake of our leaders to believe that the security of the country will rely on the support from the international community and on the good will of Rwanda, and president Paul Kagame has stated about it,  much as that should not justify this criminality of Paul Kagame, and it is at this time that the United Nations among other actors should hold him accountable.

How do we argue currently about human rights for all when all these people in Goma are killed just because they are in that part of the country? How can we argue about killing people you claim you want to liberate.

It is therefore our humble request to you who is reading this alert now, please use your influence to stop the war and then engage on discussions at community levels, territory levels, provincial levels, national level, regional level and international level in order to end this war once for all. This is what we should have been doing. Conferences on issues in DRC are not common at all levels.


COJESKI North Kivu



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