Here are the current Partners of COJESKI/DRC Coordination North Kivu – The Democratic Republic of Congo as we close this year 2023. These are partners are working with us on various programmes and share with us common ideas. We are so much pleased to have them as part of us in our various activities. These partners are with us at different levels, some are at the Provincial level, others at National level and others at International Level.
1. Nouvelle Dynamique de la Societe Civile -NDSCI ( The New Dynamic of the Civil Society in North Kivu),
2. Regroupement Dynamique d’Integration Chretienne ( REDIC), North Kivu
3. Bureau Conjoint des Nations Unies for les Droits de l’Homme, In DRCongo
4. Commission Nationale pour le Droits de l’Homme (CNDH), Coordination of North Kivu,
5. Societe Civile du Congo ( SOCICO), in DRCongo
6. Reseau Provincial de Droits de l’Homme, in North Kivu
7. Aniye Movement, International
8. Yagirwa Foundatio, North Kivu and in the United States of America
9. League for Peace and Joy of Young Generation (LPJYG), at regional level,
10. International Human Rights Advocacy Clinic Public Interest Law Center, FSU College of Law, University of Florida, the United States of America,
11. The Global Rotary for Refugees, the United States of America,
12. Rwanda Bridge Builders (RBB), International,
13. PILnet: The Global Network for Public Interest Law, United States of America,
14.International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion,
15.UNODC Civil Society Unit , United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Vienna, Austria
17. Le Collectif Jeunes Solidaires du Quatres Coins du Monde,
18. Action pour la Conservation de la Nature et le Developement Communautaire, operating in the whole DRC,
19. Democracy Reset Global Movement,
20. Kimpa Vita Press, Norway
21. International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion,
22. International Network for the Reduction of Abortion Discrimination and Stigma (INROADS)
23. Women Global Network for Reproductive Rights/ Africa (WGNRR)