Briefing of the meeting with IDPs in Bulengo and Rusayu One Camps in Goma who came from Uganda
During the meeting at the office on Wednesday September 20th, 2023 with IDPs who returned from Uganda
Report of our weekly briefing meeting with Internally Displaced Persons in Goma the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Explaining to the participants our colleague Pecos engaged them on various issues they did not know
Date: Wednesday September 20th, 2023
Audience: IDPs who returned from Uganda where they were refugees. A total number of 71 persons attended the meeting.
Welcome remarks
Issues at hand
Livelihood activities
The meeting started at 9:10 am with self- introduction of the participants, and this was an opportunity for them to know each other.
The participants were generally from Rusayu One and Bulengo IDP Camps here in Goma and came from Rwamwanja, Kyaka II and Nakivale in Uganda.
The welcome remarks was done by Kulihoshi M Pecos the Programme officer and focused on the following:
The list of those who are not yet registered in different camps, and the list of those living in host families around Goma in order to ensure that each person is registered and now able to get the assistance in terms of relief aid. But also the security of those based in Uganda and who want to come here to DRC.
The meeting was informed that to leave Uganda it is not easy as some people end up in prison for six once found on the way going to Congo. We wrote to OPM Department of Refugees on the restrictions imposed to refugees who want to leave Uganda and we shall continue with our advocacy on this. The participants shared with us about cases of those who have been arrested in Uganda and others who are still detained in Uganda because they attempted to leave. Congolese refugees in Uganda are not allowed to move towards districts which near the borders with DRC,
Those who attended the meeting would wish a collaboration between authorities in DRC and Uganda for the safe return of refugees in Uganda, this points also will constitute our line of advocacy, they also requested an advocacy approach to Uganda so that life of conditions of Congolese refugees may be improved in Uganda especially to increase the relief aid.
Minute Two
On issues at hand,
Participants pointed out the problem of shelter and food to those who are not yet registered and do not access aid relief, those who have been registered but still do not get the aid, the reduction of the family size to only five (5) people, and allegations of the money distributed which was supposed to be for Disabilities, Elderly and Widows but in most cases those who got it are not in that category. Issue of the education of children also came and it was referred to the next meeting, however we shall collect more information about the above allegations and share if brief report. It was also alleged that the Chairperson of Rusayu One IDP Camp was suspended but no clear reason was given to people.
Minute Three
The participants were preoccupied with livelihood activities which can help them to earn a living and make addition on what they get from Relief Aid, they discussed on how they can form groups among themselves and come up with savings for economic activities but also requested that we engage donors to support them with Income Generating Activities. This issue will be also discussed more in the next meeting.
Minute Four
More discussions were on how the Government should end the war so that people can go back home but also how they can improve their lives while they are in camps,
The meeting ended at 11: 10 AM, and after the meeting individual cases where recorded for proper management.
Kulihoshi Musikami Pecos