We are governed by the General Assembly, then the Board of Directors, then the Coordination and then the departments, then staff members and volunteers.
The General Assembly: It is composed of all members and defines the strategic orientation of COJESKI-DRC, we have have various General Assemblies at various levels: First of all at the Territory Level where members focus on the realities in their territory, the at the Province level where all the representatives from various territories meet in General Assembly to deliberate on issues in their province, and then at the national where delegates from various provinces meet and discuss about the orientation of COJESKI.
The Board of Directors: It is a team that is elected from members of the General Assembly in order to supervise the implementation of the programmes of COJESKI. The Board of Directors is spearheaded by the President of the Board who is the face of COJESKI at all levels.
The Coordination/ the Executive: Is also mandated to execute the programmes of COJESKI under the supervision on the Board of Directors.
The heads of Departments: These are various persons in charge of the implementation of various activities and projects.
Staffs and Volunteers: These are people who daily involved in the implementation of activities and programmes of COJESKI.
At National level the Coordination is composed of members representing various provinces and at the provincial level like here in North Kivu, the Coordination is composed of representatives from different Territories.
Staffs and Volunteers,
Former Staff Members,
Jobs, Internship and Volunteer
Membership form for all those who want to join us
Here is the form in English: COJESKI MEMBERSHIP FORM
Here is the form in French ” FICHE D’ADHESION COJESKI RDC (1)